So a new friend took me out and about yesterday in Jakarta and introduced me to some local fruit! YUM! Today I tried two kinds: Rambutan and Jeruk Bali. Rambutan, the hairy fruit, has a reddish/purplish skin that is, well, hairy. Inside the skin is the fruit, which is similar to a lychee. For those of you who have never tried a lychee (I've had them once, in a martini!), the fruit is white, has a pit in the center and has a texture resembling a peeled grape. It is very sweet. SO YUMMY!
Jeruk Bali is a citrus fruit and is the size of a big grapefruit. The pulp inside is whitish pink in color. It tastes like a sweet, slightly spicy grapefuit. YUM! * * I just did some research. It is also referred to as a pomelo, originated in Asia and is an ancestor of the grapefruit. * *
I have more fruits to try including Jambu, Manggi, Dragonfruit and Salak! I will keep you updated!
I love my Zia! No baby, I would not eat your brother!
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