Wednesday, October 1, 2008

September 2008

So I LOVE LOVE LOVE the postings and emails about everyone's goals! I find it so inspiring! A quick recap of mine - yes, I have already failed! BOO! I did not sign up for the half marathon in Singapore fast enough and it is now closed. YIKES! However, luck is on my side and there is one in Cambodia the same weekend! I will register this week and continue my training! Anyone interested in spending some time in Cambodia? Provided all goes well, I will be there Dec. 5 - 8!

As for another goal, I have learned to count to 10 in Indonesian. Rock on.

I can't BELIEVE September is over already! Time is flying so fast!

This month, I went with friends to visit some volcanoes in Ciater or Lembang...(not sure exactly, but in that vicinity). We saw two volcanoes - Tangkuban Prahu and Kawah Ratu (Queen Crater). Tangkuban Prahu emits sulphuric fumes and has pools of boiling water but is not considered active. We were able to walk around this one. The pictures I posted of this volcano. Kawah Ratu is considered active and emits various poisonous gases and therefore, we could only look down in it from the edge. People are not allowed in this volcano.

I also went to my first Indonesian wedding reception! It was great - there were about 1,000 people in attendance. It was not like American wedding receptions, that's for sure! There was no fact, the only drink served was water. There was no dance floor or tables. All the food was served buffet style and everyone stood with their companions to eat. There was live music, but this ended around 9:30. The banquet hall itself cleared out by 10:00. The bride and groom were beautiful and glowing. The cake was HUGE. I have never seen such a big cake! I think it had to be about 10 feet tall! It was an enjoyable experience, despite the lack of traditional American hoopla.

This month was also Ramadan, which is observed in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, the month in which the Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. It is a month of fasting, when Muslims do not eat or drink from dawn to sunset with the purpose of teaching patience, sacrifice and humility. Because it has been fasting month, bars and restaurants close early (some even close for the entire month!) and alcohol is not openly served. It is an interesting tradition and inspires a spirit similar to that of Christmas.

So...there is no poll for September so please post stories of your recent adventures! I KNOW you have stories....

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