Saturday, September 13, 2008

It's Good to Have Goals...

For those of you who aren't aware, I set a multitude of goals at the beginning of each year. I have several categories of goals (including financial, career, be interesting/personal development, spiritual, etc.) to keep them organized. I also assign metrics to each goal to track my progress, which is measured monthly. Every three months, I try to do a review of my list of goals to see how I am progressing and determine if my goal list needs to be updated. Yes, this goal list is created in Excel and No, so far, I have not used macros to make this process easier.

When I decided to go to Asia, only one goal was allowed on my goal list: acclimate. Maybe I have not ENTIRELY fulfilled this goal yet, but I am READY to start my new set of goals! (I am lost without my goal list...can't function...yes, it's sad, but true).

So, I thought I would share some of my goals since I feel like this is a turning point for me! The first goal I made since I realized I was ready to set goals was to run the half marathon in Singapore! It is December 7 and I am just beginning my training now! I thought, what better way to see another country than to run around in it! So I will. I will keep you updated on my least Singapore is flat (as opposed to Cincinnati...ugh).

I also have the normal goals of saving money, emailing my friends on a regular basis, sending my grandmas cards, keep Sundays open for Liz day (btw, I failed this week...I made plans), be a better big sister, appreciate, do volunteer work once a month, etc, etc...

One goal I made in January 2007 was to be a better friend. I continue to keep this goal on my list with more and more detailed ideas on how to be a better friend. What I find amazing is that since I have been away from the States, some of my friendships have progressed to deeper, more meaningful levels. I have reconnected with people I haven't talked to in years, people from high school, college and even, elementary school. I have made new friends, maybe not with tremendous ease, but much more quickly than I thought and with people that I expect to remain in touch with once I (boo!) leave Asia.

I am realizing that most of my posts are related to food or friends; that's kind of funny! (Mental note: New Goal - blog about a new topic.)

Anyway, I've shared my goals. What are yours? Post for all to see!


lynnie said...

my goal for this year was to apply to law school - i took the lsat, and am starting the application process for enrollment for next fall!

i also have another goal - not to lose my temper so much - but that is a daily and constant struggle for me because i have always been the person to speak my mind - i try not to hold things in...but i need to differentiate when to say something, and when i am saying something because i've lost my temper.....

i think it's a great thing to set goals, and i love how you are so organized that you have an excel spreadsheet for it! i love that idea!!!

Liz Roche said...

You are such a dear! I love your goals! Good luck with your application process. Please keep me updated!

I am still well aware that I owe you an email - I am just waiting to have the sufficient amount of time to write a quality email instead of a blanket-catch all-generic one...

Becky said...

I made a spreadsheet for my goals!!!

Kristen said...

Seriously, as you know, I've always been an anal, goal-oriented person, but with all the changes in the past year - getting married, becoming a Mom, getting a huge promotion at work - life has changed so much that my goals are as clear as they used to be. I achieved my life goals - i.e. having a upper-level management position in HR by 30 and getting married by 30 (the Mom part wasn't part of the goals, but a blessing nonetheless). Jeez - do you think that 30 was a milestone for me?!?!? I think my goals for the next year will just have to be to figure out a work-life balance in order to balance being a good mother but maintain my career at the same time - all while trying to maintain some kind of identity and personal time for myself. It sounds a lot easier then I think it will be. I finally got to go get a manicure/pedicure for the first time since Aiden was born. It felt great to do something for myself, but I felt guilty about going out to do something for myself - I know I need to get over it, but it just made me realize how challenging life will be and how much my goals will change when I return to work.

Whoa! Did I get too sentimental on your blog? I love you Liz!!! And, I love that you have this blog to stay in touch!!!

Sarah and Kieran said...

hi liz! i found your blog and i am reading what you've been up to since i last saw! let's catch up soon, please? i miss you!

Becky said...

Hey Aunt Zilvr. My goal is to run faster than Zia and bite her in the nose.


VA said...

Just one - To acclimate now that I am in London :) Best of luck with your goals!