Thursday, February 19, 2009

7 Month Mark

So, I guess I am not living up to my NYE resolution of posting on my blog once a week! Ooops! :P

Things are going well; I went house hunting with a friend today! Time to think about moving out of the beige palace and into a real house...but only if there's a maid! heheheee...

Communication is still a problem for me; many of you are aware, I'm sure. Haven't received an email from lizroche78 lately? You aren't the only one! I am sincerely sad about this...even though I am in complete control over it. I am working on it...seriously. It's not because I don't care. It's more that I don't want to dissolve in tears and self-pity as I send out emails to all my friends at home. I have been wrestling with homesickness since December. While it has abated some, I am still struggling. Although counter-intuitive and counter-productive, I tend to steer clear of email when I am wallowing in loneliness.

That being said, I am doing GREAT otherwise! I can't wait to come back to Chicago for a visit. While I am super homesick, I am still really enjoying living and working and traveling overseas! I went to Australia last weekend and it was AWES! I highly recommend it! One thing is for certain: I DO NOT miss Winter.

As for my internal conflicts and journey to finding myself, I am pretty much over it. I'm happy (except for the homesickness). That's it. I am working on my five-year plan (gasp! yes, for real...the princess of short-term thinking is re-evaluating...) I am hoping this five-year plan includes some overseas structured education!

Miss you and love you,

1 comment:

Becky said...

YAY! I love new posts! When I have twin daughters, the second will be named Winter. You'll have to rethink how you feel about my favorite season! :) I LOVE YOU!!!