Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Best wishes for 2009! I hope everyone has a wonderful year! I posted some pictures from New Year's Eve, Christmas and Christmas Eve in Jakarta! I've also been dog-sitting for the past couple weeks for an adorable pug named Molly.

NYE - went to a club with Canadians Lisa and J
Christmas - made turkey dinner and sang karaoke
Christmas Eve - went to a club with Lisa, Julie and some of Julie's coworkers...see Santa and his ninjas...(no elves?)

Miss you all!


Molly and her Christmas Toy!
Poolside activities on Christmas Eve

Dinner was a success! (Thanks to Lisa and job was to stay out of the way)

Lisa and Julie, makin' some Christmas dinner after a swim at the pool!

Christmas Dinner! YUM.

Lisa and Liz at DragonFly on Christmas Eve

Out at DragonFly on Christmas Eve! Not sure if you can see Santa's Ninja on the right...

NYE with Lisa and Julie (early in the evening)!

NYE with Lisa and Julie (later in the evening)!

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